Avoid the Trauma of Home Invasions with Home Security Systems

Home Invasions

The impact of home invasions and burglary goes far beyond the loss of material property; it can be a truly traumatic experience that may lead to injury or even death of an occupant. Home security systems  – coupled with diligence – are your best defense against burglary, fire and other unforeseen occurrences.

The presence of alarm systems not only provides you peace of mind but offers financial benefits in the following ways:

Home security systems slash insurance costs.

Do you know that by installing an alarm system you could save a considerable amount on insurance costs? A secured home lowers the risk of an insurance payout, and many insurers offer savings on premiums for homes with a security system. The discounts can be substantial enough to pay a portion of the monitoring costs or installation of the system.

Alarms and cameras can increase home value.

If you’re listing your property for sale, you should know that cameras and alarms can be your competitive advantage. Home buyers, especially families, prefer a property with an installed security system. The presence of deadbolts, indoor and outdoor cameras, alarms and smoke detectors can make your home more attractive to potential buyers.

A monitoring service can save you from financial losses.

A home burglary happens in the U.S. every 15 seconds. According to official data, a typical homeowner suffers a loss of $2,000 in stolen goods or damaged property in one burglary. Home security systems are your major line of defense against these material losses and home invasions. It’s time to install real alarms and cameras in your home instead of faking security signs because you don’t know when a criminal will call your bluff.

A fire alarm system can protect your life’s work.

Burglars may take some of your personal property, but there’s a threat that can take everything you’ve worked for: a fire. Protect your finances by installing a fire alarm system at home.

Tips to Keep Your Home Safe And Secure

In addition to installing home security systems, you can keep your home safe by exercising due diligence in the following ways.

  • Moderate your social media usage. Avoid posting content on new purchases, details about your home and vacation plans. Share photos and videos of your vacation when you return home.
  • About 70% of burglars enter homes via the front door, so it’s important to install a trustworthy door lock. If you’re moving into a new home, remember to change all locks.
  • Have an emergency plan for the entire family. Teach your kids how to arm and disarm the security system, where to go during an emergency and other survival tips.

There’s nothing more valuable than peace of mind. If you think that the cost of alarm systems is an expense you can do without, you’re mistaken. Home invasions, losses and damage from burglary, fire and other unforeseen occurrences are real. Your family and valuables should be protected at all times – so call us today to schedule a consultation to determine if you have the protection you need.



A.L.S. Security Solutions

The A.L.S. Security Solutions Team consists of Arthur Brown, Founder, Owner and Operator of the company and other members of the staff. We may occasionally have guest bloggers. As a team we strive to bring you the latest and most important news in the fields of automation and security while attempting to entertain you at the same time.

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